# laravel-prometheus-exporter A prometheus exporter for Laravel. 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Superbalist\LaravelPrometheusExporter\LaravelServiceProvider::class, ] ``` Register the facade in app.php ```php 'aliases' => [ // ... 'Prometheus' => Superbalist\LaravelPrometheusExporter\PrometheusFacade::class, ] ``` #### Lumen ```php $app->register(Superbalist\LaravelPrometheusExporter\LumenServiceProvider::class); ``` ## Configuration The package has a default configuration which uses the following environment variables. ``` PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE=app PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_ENABLED=true PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_PATH=metrics PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_MIDDLEWARE=null PROMETHEUS_STORAGE_ADAPTER=memory REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 PROMETHEUS_REDIS_PREFIX=PROMETHEUS_ ``` To customize the configuration file, publish the package configuration using Artisan. ```bash php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Superbalist\LaravelPrometheusExporter\PrometheusServiceProvider" ``` You can then edit the generated config at `app/config/prometheus.php`. ### Storage Adapters The storage adapter is used to persist metrics across requests. The `memory` adapter is enabled by default, meaning data will only be persisted across the current request. We recommend using the `redis` or `apc` adapter in production environments. The `PROMETHEUS_STORAGE_ADAPTER` env var is used to specify the storage adapter. If `redis` is used, the `REDIS_HOST` and `REDIS_PORT` vars also need to be configured. ### Exporting Metrics The package adds a `/metrics` end-point, enabled by default, which exposes all metrics gathered by collectors. This can be turned on/off using the `PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_ENABLED` var, and can also be changed using the `PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_PATH` var. If you would like to protect this end-point, you can write any custom middleware and enable it using `PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_MIDDLEWARE`. ### Collectors A collector is a class, implementing the [CollectorInterface](src/CollectorInterface.php), which is responsible for collecting data for one or many metrics. Please see the [ExampleCollector](src/ExampleCollector.php) included in this repository. You can auto-load your collectors by adding them to the `collectors` array in the prometheus.php config. ## Usage ```php // retrieve the exporter $exporter = app(\Superbalist\LaravelPrometheusExporter::class); // or $exporter = app('prometheus'); // or $exporter = Prometheus::getFacadeRoot(); // register a new collector $collector = new \My\New\Collector(); $exporter->registerCollector($collector); // retrieve all collectors var_dump($exporter->getCollectors()); // retrieve a collector by name $collector = $exporter->getCollector('user'); // export all metrics // this is called automatically when the /metrics end-point is hit var_dump($exporter->export()); // the following methods can be used to create and interact with counters, gauges and histograms directly // these methods will typically be called by collectors, but can be used to register any custom metrics directly, // without the need of a collector // create a counter $counter = $exporter->registerCounter('search_requests_total', 'The total number of search requests.'); $counter->inc(); // increment by 1 $counter->incBy(2); // create a counter (with labels) $counter = $exporter->registerCounter('search_requests_total', 'The total number of search requests.', ['request_type']); $counter->inc(['GET']); // increment by 1 $counter->incBy(2, ['GET']); // retrieve a counter $counter = $exporter->getCounter('search_requests_total'); // create a gauge $gauge = $exporter->registerGauge('users_online_total', 'The total number of users online.'); $gauge->inc(); // increment by 1 $gauge->incBy(2); $gauge->dec(); // decrement by 1 $gauge->decBy(2); $gauge->set(36); // create a gauge (with labels) $gauge = $exporter->registerGauge('users_online_total', 'The total number of users online.', ['group']); $gauge->inc(['staff']); // increment by 1 $gauge->incBy(2, ['staff']); $gauge->dec(['staff']); // decrement by 1 $gauge->decBy(2, ['staff']); $gauge->set(36, ['staff']); // retrieve a gauge $counter = $exporter->getGauge('users_online_total'); // create a histogram $histogram = $exporter->registerHistogram( 'response_time_seconds', 'The response time of a request.', [], [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0] ); // the buckets must be in asc order // if buckets aren't specified, the default 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 buckets will be used $histogram->observe(5.0); // create a histogram (with labels) $histogram = $exporter->registerHistogram( 'response_time_seconds', 'The response time of a request.', ['request_type'], [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0] ); // the buckets must be in asc order // if buckets aren't specified, the default 0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 buckets will be used $histogram->observe(5.0, ['GET']); // retrieve a histogram $counter = $exporter->getHistogram('response_time_seconds'); ```