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return [
| Namespace
| The namespace to use as a prefix for all metrics.
| This will typically be the name of your project, eg: 'search'.
'namespace' => env('PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE', 'app'),
| Metrics Route Enabled?
| If enabled, a /metrics route will be registered to export prometheus
| metrics.
'metrics_route_enabled' => env('PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_ENABLED', true),
| Metrics Route Path
| The path at which prometheus metrics are exported.
| This is only applicable if metrics_route_enabled is set to true.
'metrics_route_path' => env('PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_PATH', 'metrics'),
| Metrics Route Middleware
| The middleware to assign to the metrics route.
| This can be used to protect the /metrics end-point to authenticated users,
| a specific ip address, etc.
| You are responsible for writing the middleware and implementing any
| business logic needed by your application.
'metrics_route_middleware' => env('PROMETHEUS_METRICS_ROUTE_MIDDLEWARE'),
| Storage Adapter
| The storage adapter to use.
| Supported: "memory", "redis", "apc"
'storage_adapter' => env('PROMETHEUS_STORAGE_ADAPTER', 'memory'),
| Storage Adapters
| The storage adapter configs.
'storage_adapters' => [
'redis' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'timeout' => 0.1,
'read_timeout' => 10,
'persistent_connections' => false,
| Collectors
| The collectors specified here will be auto-registered in the exporter.
'collectors' => [
// \Your\ExporterClass::class,