From b7ab05908440915c6c5faa541abe00c62a88bc27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Hagemeister <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 11:36:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add infrastructure for paged lists

This commit allows to download pages in playlists as needed instead of all at once.
Before this commit,
    youtube-dl --playlist-end 2 --skip-download
took quite some time - now it's almost instantaneous.
As an example, the youtube:user extractor has been converted.
Fixes #2175
 test/              | 22 +++++++++++++++++
 youtube_dl/         | 23 +++++++++++------
 youtube_dl/extractor/ | 28 ++++++++-------------
 youtube_dl/             | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index bee355ee0..349c1107f 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from youtube_dl.utils import (
+    PagedList,
@@ -200,5 +201,26 @@ class TestUtil(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(parse_duration('9:12:43'), 33163)
         self.assertEqual(parse_duration('x:y'), None)
+    def test_paged_list(self):
+        def testPL(size, pagesize, sliceargs, expected):
+            def get_page(pagenum):
+                firstid = pagenum * pagesize
+                upto = min(size, pagenum * pagesize + pagesize)
+                for i in range(firstid, upto):
+                    yield i
+            pl = PagedList(get_page, pagesize)
+            got = pl.getslice(*sliceargs)
+            self.assertEqual(got, expected)
+        testPL(5, 2, (), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
+        testPL(5, 2, (1,), [1, 2, 3, 4])
+        testPL(5, 2, (2,), [2, 3, 4])
+        testPL(5, 2, (4,), [4])
+        testPL(5, 2, (0, 3), [0, 1, 2])
+        testPL(5, 2, (1, 4), [1, 2, 3])
+        testPL(5, 2, (2, 99), [2, 3, 4])
+        testPL(5, 2, (20, 99), [])
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/youtube_dl/ b/youtube_dl/
index a0ab89b3d..2ad6f1028 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/
+++ b/youtube_dl/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from .utils import (
+    PagedList,
@@ -575,19 +576,27 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
             playlist_results = []
-            n_all_entries = len(ie_result['entries'])
             playliststart = self.params.get('playliststart', 1) - 1
             playlistend = self.params.get('playlistend', None)
             # For backwards compatibility, interpret -1 as whole list
             if playlistend == -1:
                 playlistend = None
-            entries = ie_result['entries'][playliststart:playlistend]
-            n_entries = len(entries)
-            self.to_screen(
-                "[%s] playlist '%s': Collected %d video ids (downloading %d of them)" %
-                (ie_result['extractor'], playlist, n_all_entries, n_entries))
+            if isinstance(ie_result['entries'], list):
+                n_all_entries = len(ie_result['entries'])
+                entries = ie_result['entries'][playliststart:playlistend]
+                n_entries = len(entries)
+                self.to_screen(
+                    "[%s] playlist %s: Collected %d video ids (downloading %d of them)" %
+                    (ie_result['extractor'], playlist, n_all_entries, n_entries))
+            else:
+                assert isinstance(ie_result['entries'], PagedList)
+                entries = ie_result['entries'].getslice(
+                    playliststart, playlistend)
+                n_entries = len(entries)
+                self.to_screen(
+                    "[%s] playlist %s: Downloading %d videos" %
+                    (ie_result['extractor'], playlist, n_entries))
             for i, entry in enumerate(entries, 1):
                 self.to_screen('[download] Downloading video #%s of %s' % (i, n_entries))
diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/ b/youtube_dl/extractor/
index 248b30ffb..dd1a58f3f 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/extractor/
+++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from ..utils import (
+    PagedList,
@@ -1580,44 +1581,35 @@ class YoutubeUserIE(InfoExtractor):
         # page by page until there are no video ids - it means we got
         # all of them.
-        url_results = []
-        for pagenum in itertools.count(0):
+        def download_page(pagenum):
             start_index = pagenum * self._GDATA_PAGE_SIZE + 1
             gdata_url = self._GDATA_URL % (username, self._GDATA_PAGE_SIZE, start_index)
-            page = self._download_webpage(gdata_url, username,
-                                          u'Downloading video ids from %d to %d' % (start_index, start_index + self._GDATA_PAGE_SIZE))
+            page = self._download_webpage(
+                gdata_url, username,
+                u'Downloading video ids from %d to %d' % (
+                    start_index, start_index + self._GDATA_PAGE_SIZE))
                 response = json.loads(page)
             except ValueError as err:
                 raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid JSON in API response: ' + compat_str(err))
             if 'entry' not in response['feed']:
-                # Number of videos is a multiple of self._MAX_RESULTS
-                break
+                return
             # Extract video identifiers
             entries = response['feed']['entry']
             for entry in entries:
                 title = entry['title']['$t']
                 video_id = entry['id']['$t'].split('/')[-1]
-                url_results.append({
+                yield {
                     '_type': 'url',
                     'url': video_id,
                     'ie_key': 'Youtube',
                     'id': 'video_id',
                     'title': title,
-                })
-            # A little optimization - if current page is not
-            # "full", ie. does not contain PAGE_SIZE video ids then
-            # we can assume that this page is the last one - there
-            # are no more ids on further pages - no need to query
-            # again.
-            if len(entries) < self._GDATA_PAGE_SIZE:
-                break
+                }
+        url_results = PagedList(download_page, self._GDATA_PAGE_SIZE)
         return self.playlist_result(url_results, playlist_title=username)
diff --git a/youtube_dl/ b/youtube_dl/
index 73fe1ad0a..ff124d9e8 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/
+++ b/youtube_dl/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import datetime
 import email.utils
 import errno
 import gzip
+import itertools
 import io
 import json
 import locale
@@ -1161,3 +1162,46 @@ def check_executable(exe, args=[]):
     except OSError:
         return False
     return exe
+class PagedList(object):
+    def __init__(self, pagefunc, pagesize):
+        self._pagefunc = pagefunc
+        self._pagesize = pagesize
+    def getslice(self, start=0, end=None):
+        res = []
+        for pagenum in itertools.count(start // self._pagesize):
+            firstid = pagenum * self._pagesize
+            nextfirstid = pagenum * self._pagesize + self._pagesize
+            if start >= nextfirstid:
+                continue
+            page_results = list(self._pagefunc(pagenum))
+            startv = (
+                start % self._pagesize
+                if firstid <= start < nextfirstid
+                else 0)
+            endv = (
+                ((end - 1) % self._pagesize) + 1
+                if (end is not None and firstid <= end <= nextfirstid)
+                else None)
+            if startv != 0 or endv is not None:
+                page_results = page_results[startv:endv]
+            res.extend(page_results)
+            # A little optimization - if current page is not "full", ie. does
+            # not contain page_size videos then we can assume that this page
+            # is the last one - there are no more ids on further pages -
+            # i.e. no need to query again.
+            if len(page_results) + startv < self._pagesize:
+                break
+            # If we got the whole page, but the next page is not interesting,
+            # break out early as well
+            if end == nextfirstid:
+                break
+        return res