add Basic support for Smooth Streaming protocol()

This commit is contained in:
Remita Amine 2016-10-19 16:22:40 +01:00 committed by Sergey M
parent f449c061d0
commit b2758123c5
4 changed files with 377 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
video_ext, audio_ext = audio.get('ext'), video.get('ext') video_ext, audio_ext = audio.get('ext'), video.get('ext')
if video_ext and audio_ext: if video_ext and audio_ext:
('mp3', 'mp4', 'm4a', 'm4p', 'm4b', 'm4r', 'm4v'), ('mp3', 'mp4', 'm4a', 'm4p', 'm4b', 'm4r', 'm4v', 'ismv', 'isma'),
('webm') ('webm')
) )
for exts in COMPATIBLE_EXTS: for exts in COMPATIBLE_EXTS:

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from .http import HttpFD
from .rtmp import RtmpFD from .rtmp import RtmpFD
from .dash import DashSegmentsFD from .dash import DashSegmentsFD
from .rtsp import RtspFD from .rtsp import RtspFD
from .ism import IsmFD
from .external import ( from .external import (
get_external_downloader, get_external_downloader,
FFmpegFD, FFmpegFD,
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ PROTOCOL_MAP = {
'rtsp': RtspFD, 'rtsp': RtspFD,
'f4m': F4mFD, 'f4m': F4mFD,
'http_dash_segments': DashSegmentsFD, 'http_dash_segments': DashSegmentsFD,
'ism': IsmFD,
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import time
import struct
import binascii
import io
from .fragment import FragmentFD
from ..compat import compat_urllib_error
from ..utils import (
u8 = struct.Struct(b'>B')
u88 = struct.Struct(b'>Bx')
u16 = struct.Struct(b'>H')
u1616 = struct.Struct(b'>Hxx')
u32 = struct.Struct(b'>I')
u64 = struct.Struct(b'>Q')
s88 = struct.Struct(b'>bx')
s16 = struct.Struct(b'>h')
s1616 = struct.Struct(b'>hxx')
s32 = struct.Struct(b'>i')
unity_matrix = (s32.pack(0x10000) + s32.pack(0) * 3) * 2 + s32.pack(0x40000000)
def box(box_type, payload):
return u32.pack(8 + len(payload)) + box_type + payload
def full_box(box_type, version, flags, payload):
return box(box_type, u8.pack(version) + u32.pack(flags)[1:] + payload)
def write_piff_header(stream, params):
track_id = params['track_id']
fourcc = params['fourcc']
duration = params['duration']
timescale = params.get('timescale', 10000000)
language = params.get('language', 'und')
height = params.get('height', 0)
width = params.get('width', 0)
is_audio = width == 0 and height == 0
creation_time = modification_time = int(time.time())
ftyp_payload = b'isml' # major brand
ftyp_payload += u32.pack(1) # minor version
ftyp_payload += b'piff' + b'iso2' # compatible brands
stream.write(box(b'ftyp', ftyp_payload)) # File Type Box
mvhd_payload = u64.pack(creation_time)
mvhd_payload += u64.pack(modification_time)
mvhd_payload += u32.pack(timescale)
mvhd_payload += u64.pack(duration)
mvhd_payload += s1616.pack(1) # rate
mvhd_payload += s88.pack(1) # volume
mvhd_payload += u16.pack(0) # reserved
mvhd_payload += u32.pack(0) * 2 # reserved
mvhd_payload += unity_matrix
mvhd_payload += u32.pack(0) * 6 # pre defined
mvhd_payload += u32.pack(0xffffffff) # next track id
moov_payload = full_box(b'mvhd', 1, 0, mvhd_payload) # Movie Header Box
tkhd_payload = u64.pack(creation_time)
tkhd_payload += u64.pack(modification_time)
tkhd_payload += u32.pack(track_id) # track id
tkhd_payload += u32.pack(0) # reserved
tkhd_payload += u64.pack(duration)
tkhd_payload += u32.pack(0) * 2 # reserved
tkhd_payload += s16.pack(0) # layer
tkhd_payload += s16.pack(0) # alternate group
tkhd_payload += s88.pack(1 if is_audio else 0) # volume
tkhd_payload += u16.pack(0) # reserved
tkhd_payload += unity_matrix
tkhd_payload += u1616.pack(width)
tkhd_payload += u1616.pack(height)
trak_payload = full_box(b'tkhd', 1, TRACK_ENABLED | TRACK_IN_MOVIE | TRACK_IN_PREVIEW, tkhd_payload) # Track Header Box
mdhd_payload = u64.pack(creation_time)
mdhd_payload += u64.pack(modification_time)
mdhd_payload += u32.pack(timescale)
mdhd_payload += u64.pack(duration)
mdhd_payload += u16.pack(((ord(language[0]) - 0x60) << 10) | ((ord(language[1]) - 0x60) << 5) | (ord(language[2]) - 0x60))
mdhd_payload += u16.pack(0) # pre defined
mdia_payload = full_box(b'mdhd', 1, 0, mdhd_payload) # Media Header Box
hdlr_payload = u32.pack(0) # pre defined
hdlr_payload += b'soun' if is_audio else b'vide' # handler type
hdlr_payload += u32.pack(0) * 3 # reserved
hdlr_payload += (b'Sound' if is_audio else b'Video') + b'Handler\0' # name
mdia_payload += full_box(b'hdlr', 0, 0, hdlr_payload) # Handler Reference Box
if is_audio:
smhd_payload = s88.pack(0) # balance
smhd_payload = u16.pack(0) # reserved
media_header_box = full_box(b'smhd', 0, 0, smhd_payload) # Sound Media Header
vmhd_payload = u16.pack(0) # graphics mode
vmhd_payload += u16.pack(0) * 3 # opcolor
media_header_box = full_box(b'vmhd', 0, 1, vmhd_payload) # Video Media Header
minf_payload = media_header_box
dref_payload = u32.pack(1) # entry count
dref_payload += full_box(b'url ', 0, SELF_CONTAINED, b'') # Data Entry URL Box
dinf_payload = full_box(b'dref', 0, 0, dref_payload) # Data Reference Box
minf_payload += box(b'dinf', dinf_payload) # Data Information Box
stsd_payload = u32.pack(1) # entry count
sample_entry_payload = u8.pack(0) * 6 # reserved
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(1) # data reference index
if is_audio:
sample_entry_payload += u32.pack(0) * 2 # reserved
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(params.get('channels', 2))
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(params.get('bits_per_sample', 16))
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(0) # pre defined
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(0) # reserved
sample_entry_payload += u1616.pack(params['sampling_rate'])
if fourcc == 'AACL':
smaple_entry_box = box(b'mp4a', sample_entry_payload)
sample_entry_payload = sample_entry_payload
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(0) # pre defined
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(0) # reserved
sample_entry_payload += u32.pack(0) * 3 # pre defined
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(width)
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(height)
sample_entry_payload += u1616.pack(0x48) # horiz resolution 72 dpi
sample_entry_payload += u1616.pack(0x48) # vert resolution 72 dpi
sample_entry_payload += u32.pack(0) # reserved
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(1) # frame count
sample_entry_payload += u8.pack(0) * 32 # compressor name
sample_entry_payload += u16.pack(0x18) # depth
sample_entry_payload += s16.pack(-1) # pre defined
codec_private_data = binascii.unhexlify(params['codec_private_data'])
if fourcc in ('H264', 'AVC1'):
sps, pps = codec_private_data.split(u32.pack(1))[1:]
avcc_payload = u8.pack(1) # configuration version
avcc_payload += sps[1] # avc profile indication
avcc_payload += sps[2] # profile compatibility
avcc_payload += sps[3] # avc level indication
avcc_payload += u8.pack(0xfc | (params.get('nal_unit_length_field', 4) - 1)) # complete represenation (1) + reserved (11111) + length size minus one
avcc_payload += u8.pack(1) # reserved (0) + number of sps (0000001)
avcc_payload += u16.pack(len(sps))
avcc_payload += sps
avcc_payload += u8.pack(1) # number of pps
avcc_payload += u16.pack(len(pps))
avcc_payload += pps
sample_entry_payload += box(b'avcC', avcc_payload) # AVC Decoder Configuration Record
smaple_entry_box = box(b'avc1', sample_entry_payload) # AVC Simple Entry
stsd_payload += smaple_entry_box
stbl_payload = full_box(b'stsd', 0, 0, stsd_payload) # Sample Description Box
stts_payload = u32.pack(0) # entry count
stbl_payload += full_box(b'stts', 0, 0, stts_payload) # Decoding Time to Sample Box
stsc_payload = u32.pack(0) # entry count
stbl_payload += full_box(b'stsc', 0, 0, stsc_payload) # Sample To Chunk Box
stco_payload = u32.pack(0) # entry count
stbl_payload += full_box(b'stco', 0, 0, stco_payload) # Chunk Offset Box
minf_payload += box(b'stbl', stbl_payload) # Sample Table Box
mdia_payload += box(b'minf', minf_payload) # Media Information Box
trak_payload += box(b'mdia', mdia_payload) # Media Box
moov_payload += box(b'trak', trak_payload) # Track Box
mehd_payload = u64.pack(duration)
mvex_payload = full_box(b'mehd', 1, 0, mehd_payload) # Movie Extends Header Box
trex_payload = u32.pack(track_id) # track id
trex_payload += u32.pack(1) # default sample description index
trex_payload += u32.pack(0) # default sample duration
trex_payload += u32.pack(0) # default sample size
trex_payload += u32.pack(0) # default sample flags
mvex_payload += full_box(b'trex', 0, 0, trex_payload) # Track Extends Box
moov_payload += box(b'mvex', mvex_payload) # Movie Extends Box
stream.write(box(b'moov', moov_payload)) # Movie Box
def extract_box_data(data, box_sequence):
data_reader = io.BytesIO(data)
while True:
box_size = u32.unpack([0]
box_type =
if box_type == box_sequence[0]:
box_data = - 8)
if len(box_sequence) == 1:
return box_data
return extract_box_data(box_data, box_sequence[1:]) - 8, 1)
class IsmFD(FragmentFD):
Download segments in a ISM manifest
FD_NAME = 'ism'
def real_download(self, filename, info_dict):
segments = info_dict['fragments'][:1] if self.params.get(
'test', False) else info_dict['fragments']
ctx = {
'filename': filename,
'total_frags': len(segments),
segments_filenames = []
fragment_retries = self.params.get('fragment_retries', 0)
skip_unavailable_fragments = self.params.get('skip_unavailable_fragments', True)
track_written = False
for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
segment_url = segment['url']
segment_name = 'Frag%d' % i
target_filename = '%s-%s' % (ctx['tmpfilename'], segment_name)
count = 0
while count <= fragment_retries:
success = ctx['dl'].download(target_filename, {'url': segment_url})
if not success:
return False
down, target_sanitized = sanitize_open(target_filename, 'rb')
down_data =
if not track_written:
tfhd_data = extract_box_data(down_data, [b'moof', b'traf', b'tfhd'])
info_dict['_download_params']['track_id'] = u32.unpack(tfhd_data[4:8])[0]
write_piff_header(ctx['dest_stream'], info_dict['_download_params'])
track_written = True
except compat_urllib_error.HTTPError as err:
count += 1
if count <= fragment_retries:
self.report_retry_fragment(err, segment_name, count, fragment_retries)
if count > fragment_retries:
if skip_unavailable_fragments:
self.report_error('giving up after %s fragment retries' % fragment_retries)
return False
for segment_file in segments_filenames:
return True

View file

@ -1780,6 +1780,107 @@ class InfoExtractor(object):
self.report_warning('Unknown MIME type %s in DASH manifest' % mime_type) self.report_warning('Unknown MIME type %s in DASH manifest' % mime_type)
return formats return formats
def _extract_ism_formats(self, ism_url, video_id, ism_id=None, note=None, errnote=None, fatal=True):
res = self._download_webpage_handle(
ism_url, video_id,
note=note or 'Downloading ISM manifest',
errnote=errnote or 'Failed to download ISM manifest',
if res is False:
return []
ism, urlh = res
return self._parse_ism_formats(
compat_etree_fromstring(ism.encode('utf-8')), urlh.geturl(), ism_id)
def _parse_ism_formats(self, ism_doc, ism_url, ism_id=None):
if ism_doc.get('IsLive') == 'TRUE' or ism_doc.find('Protection') is not None:
return []
ism_base_url = re.match(r'https?://.+/', ism_url).group()
duration = int(ism_doc.attrib['Duration'])
timescale = int_or_none(ism_doc.get('TimeScale')) or 10000000
formats = []
for stream in ism_doc.findall('StreamIndex'):
stream_type = stream.get('Type')
if stream_type not in ('video', 'audio'):
url_pattern = stream.attrib['Url']
stream_timescale = int_or_none(stream.get('TimeScale')) or timescale
stream_name = stream.get('Name')
for track in stream.findall('QualityLevel'):
fourcc = track.get('FourCC')
# TODO: add support for WVC1 and WMAP
if fourcc not in ('H264', 'AVC1', 'AACL'):
self.report_warning('%s is not a supported codec' % fourcc)
tbr = int(track.attrib['Bitrate']) // 1000
width = int_or_none(track.get('MaxWidth'))
height = int_or_none(track.get('MaxHeight'))
sampling_rate = int_or_none(track.get('SamplingRate'))
track_url_pattern = re.sub(r'{[Bb]itrate}', track.attrib['Bitrate'], url_pattern)
track_url_pattern = compat_urlparse.urljoin(ism_url, track_url_pattern)
fragments = []
fragment_ctx = {
'time': 0,
stream_fragments = stream.findall('c')
for stream_fragment_index, stream_fragment in enumerate(stream_fragments):
fragment_ctx['time'] = int_or_none(stream_fragment.get('t')) or fragment_ctx['time']
fragment_repeat = int_or_none(stream_fragment.get('r')) or 1
fragment_ctx['duration'] = int_or_none(stream_fragment.get('d'))
if not fragment_ctx['duration']:
next_fragment_time = int(stream_fragment[stream_fragment_index + 1].attrib['t'])
except IndexError:
next_fragment_time = duration
fragment_ctx['duration'] = (next_fragment_time - frgament_time) / fragment_repeat
for _ in range(fragment_repeat):
'url': re.sub(r'{start[ _]time}', str(fragment_ctx['time']), track_url_pattern),
'duration': fragment_ctx['duration'] / stream_timescale,
fragment_ctx['time'] += fragment_ctx['duration']
format_id = []
if ism_id:
if stream_name:
'format_id': '-'.join(format_id),
'url': ism_url,
'manifest_url': ism_url,
'ext': 'ismv' if stream_type == 'video' else 'isma',
'width': width,
'height': height,
'tbr': tbr,
'asr': sampling_rate,
'vcodec': 'none' if stream_type == 'audio' else fourcc,
'acodec': 'none' if stream_type == 'video' else fourcc,
'protocol': 'ism',
'fragments': fragments,
'_download_params': {
'duration': duration,
'timescale': stream_timescale,
'width': width or 0,
'height': height or 0,
'fourcc': fourcc,
'codec_private_data': track.get('CodecPrivateData'),
'sampling_rate': sampling_rate,
'channels': int_or_none(track.get('Channels', 2)),
'bits_per_sample': int_or_none(track.get('BitsPerSample', 16)),
'nal_unit_length_field': int_or_none(track.get('NALUnitLengthField', 4)),
return formats
def _parse_html5_media_entries(self, base_url, webpage, video_id, m3u8_id=None, m3u8_entry_protocol='m3u8'): def _parse_html5_media_entries(self, base_url, webpage, video_id, m3u8_id=None, m3u8_entry_protocol='m3u8'):
def absolute_url(video_url): def absolute_url(video_url):
return compat_urlparse.urljoin(base_url, video_url) return compat_urlparse.urljoin(base_url, video_url)