import base64 import os import re import socket import sys from ..utils import ( compat_http_client, compat_urllib_error, compat_urllib_request, compat_str, clean_html, compiled_regex_type, ExtractorError, ) class InfoExtractor(object): """Information Extractor class. Information extractors are the classes that, given a URL, extract information about the video (or videos) the URL refers to. This information includes the real video URL, the video title, author and others. The information is stored in a dictionary which is then passed to the FileDownloader. The FileDownloader processes this information possibly downloading the video to the file system, among other possible outcomes. The dictionaries must include the following fields: id: Video identifier. url: Final video URL. title: Video title, unescaped. ext: Video filename extension. The following fields are optional: format: The video format, defaults to ext (used for --get-format) thumbnail: Full URL to a video thumbnail image. description: One-line video description. uploader: Full name of the video uploader. upload_date: Video upload date (YYYYMMDD). uploader_id: Nickname or id of the video uploader. location: Physical location of the video. player_url: SWF Player URL (used for rtmpdump). subtitles: The subtitle file contents. urlhandle: [internal] The urlHandle to be used to download the file, like returned by urllib.request.urlopen The fields should all be Unicode strings. Subclasses of this one should re-define the _real_initialize() and _real_extract() methods and define a _VALID_URL regexp. Probably, they should also be added to the list of extractors. _real_extract() must return a *list* of information dictionaries as described above. Finally, the _WORKING attribute should be set to False for broken IEs in order to warn the users and skip the tests. """ _ready = False _downloader = None _WORKING = True def __init__(self, downloader=None): """Constructor. Receives an optional downloader.""" self._ready = False self.set_downloader(downloader) @classmethod def suitable(cls, url): """Receives a URL and returns True if suitable for this IE.""" return re.match(cls._VALID_URL, url) is not None @classmethod def working(cls): """Getter method for _WORKING.""" return cls._WORKING def initialize(self): """Initializes an instance (authentication, etc).""" if not self._ready: self._real_initialize() self._ready = True def extract(self, url): """Extracts URL information and returns it in list of dicts.""" self.initialize() return self._real_extract(url) def set_downloader(self, downloader): """Sets the downloader for this IE.""" self._downloader = downloader def _real_initialize(self): """Real initialization process. Redefine in subclasses.""" pass def _real_extract(self, url): """Real extraction process. Redefine in subclasses.""" pass @property def IE_NAME(self): return type(self).__name__[:-2] def _request_webpage(self, url_or_request, video_id, note=None, errnote=None): """ Returns the response handle """ if note is None: self.report_download_webpage(video_id) elif note is not False: self.to_screen(u'%s: %s' % (video_id, note)) try: return compat_urllib_request.urlopen(url_or_request) except (compat_urllib_error.URLError, compat_http_client.HTTPException, socket.error) as err: if errnote is None: errnote = u'Unable to download webpage' raise ExtractorError(u'%s: %s' % (errnote, compat_str(err)), sys.exc_info()[2]) def _download_webpage_handle(self, url_or_request, video_id, note=None, errnote=None): """ Returns a tuple (page content as string, URL handle) """ urlh = self._request_webpage(url_or_request, video_id, note, errnote) content_type = urlh.headers.get('Content-Type', '') m = re.match(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\s*;\s*charset=(.+)', content_type) if m: encoding = else: encoding = 'utf-8' webpage_bytes = if self._downloader.params.get('dump_intermediate_pages', False): try: url = url_or_request.get_full_url() except AttributeError: url = url_or_request self.to_screen(u'Dumping request to ' + url) dump = base64.b64encode(webpage_bytes).decode('ascii') self._downloader.to_screen(dump) content = webpage_bytes.decode(encoding, 'replace') return (content, urlh) def _download_webpage(self, url_or_request, video_id, note=None, errnote=None): """ Returns the data of the page as a string """ return self._download_webpage_handle(url_or_request, video_id, note, errnote)[0] def to_screen(self, msg): """Print msg to screen, prefixing it with '[ie_name]'""" self._downloader.to_screen(u'[%s] %s' % (self.IE_NAME, msg)) def report_extraction(self, id_or_name): """Report information extraction.""" self.to_screen(u'%s: Extracting information' % id_or_name) def report_download_webpage(self, video_id): """Report webpage download.""" self.to_screen(u'%s: Downloading webpage' % video_id) def report_age_confirmation(self): """Report attempt to confirm age.""" self.to_screen(u'Confirming age') #Methods for following #608 #They set the correct value of the '_type' key def video_result(self, video_info): """Returns a video""" video_info['_type'] = 'video' return video_info def url_result(self, url, ie=None): """Returns a url that points to a page that should be processed""" #TODO: ie should be the class used for getting the info video_info = {'_type': 'url', 'url': url, 'ie_key': ie} return video_info def playlist_result(self, entries, playlist_id=None, playlist_title=None): """Returns a playlist""" video_info = {'_type': 'playlist', 'entries': entries} if playlist_id: video_info['id'] = playlist_id if playlist_title: video_info['title'] = playlist_title return video_info def _search_regex(self, pattern, string, name, default=None, fatal=True, flags=0): """ Perform a regex search on the given string, using a single or a list of patterns returning the first matching group. In case of failure return a default value or raise a WARNING or a ExtractorError, depending on fatal, specifying the field name. """ if isinstance(pattern, (str, compat_str, compiled_regex_type)): mobj =, string, flags) else: for p in pattern: mobj =, string, flags) if mobj: break if sys.stderr.isatty() and != 'nt': _name = u'\033[0;34m%s\033[0m' % name else: _name = name if mobj: # return the first matching group return next(g for g in mobj.groups() if g is not None) elif default is not None: return default elif fatal: raise ExtractorError(u'Unable to extract %s' % _name) else: self._downloader.report_warning(u'unable to extract %s; ' u'please report this issue on' % _name) return None def _html_search_regex(self, pattern, string, name, default=None, fatal=True, flags=0): """ Like _search_regex, but strips HTML tags and unescapes entities. """ res = self._search_regex(pattern, string, name, default, fatal, flags) if res: return clean_html(res).strip() else: return res class SearchInfoExtractor(InfoExtractor): """ Base class for paged search queries extractors. They accept urls in the format _SEARCH_KEY(|all|[0-9]):{query} Instances should define _SEARCH_KEY and _MAX_RESULTS. """ @classmethod def _make_valid_url(cls): return r'%s(?P<prefix>|[1-9][0-9]*|all):(?P<query>[\s\S]+)' % cls._SEARCH_KEY @classmethod def suitable(cls, url): return re.match(cls._make_valid_url(), url) is not None def _real_extract(self, query): mobj = re.match(self._make_valid_url(), query) if mobj is None: raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid search query "%s"' % query) prefix ='prefix') query ='query') if prefix == '': return self._get_n_results(query, 1) elif prefix == 'all': return self._get_n_results(query, self._MAX_RESULTS) else: n = int(prefix) if n <= 0: raise ExtractorError(u'invalid download number %s for query "%s"' % (n, query)) elif n > self._MAX_RESULTS: self._downloader.report_warning(u'%s returns max %i results (you requested %i)' % (self._SEARCH_KEY, self._MAX_RESULTS, n)) n = self._MAX_RESULTS return self._get_n_results(query, n) def _get_n_results(self, query, n): """Get a specified number of results for a query""" raise NotImplementedError("This method must be implemented by sublclasses")