Improve admin UI for account view (#9643)
This commit is contained in:
49 changed files with 201 additions and 248 deletions
@ -62,9 +62,8 @@ module Admin
def redownload
def redownload
authorize @account, :redownload?
authorize @account, :redownload?
@account.update!(last_webfingered_at: nil)
redirect_to admin_account_path(
redirect_to admin_account_path(
@ -30,15 +30,21 @@
&__num {
&__text {
text-align: center;
text-align: center;
font-weight: 500;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 24px;
font-size: 24px;
line-height: 21px;
color: $primary-text-color;
color: $primary-text-color;
font-family: $font-display, sans-serif;
font-family: $font-display, sans-serif;
margin-bottom: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
&__text {
font-size: 18px;
&__label {
&__label {
font-size: 14px;
font-size: 14px;
color: $darker-text-color;
color: $darker-text-color;
@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord
def invited?
def staff?
def staff?
admin? || moderator?
admin? || moderator?
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class ResolveAccountService < BaseService
@account = uri
@account = uri
@username = @account.username
@username = @account.username
@domain = @account.domain
@domain = @account.domain
uri = "#{@username}@#{@domain}"
return @account if @account.local? || !webfinger_update_due?
return @account if @account.local? || !webfinger_update_due?
@ -1,202 +1,185 @@
- content_for :page_title do
- content_for :page_title do
= @account.acct
= @account.acct
= render 'application/card', account: @account
%th= t('admin.accounts.username')
%td= @account.username
%th= t('admin.accounts.domain')
%td= @account.domain
%th= t('admin.accounts.display_name')
%td= @account.display_name
.dashboard__counters{ style: 'margin-top: 10px' }
%th= t('admin.accounts.avatar')
= link_to admin_account_statuses_path( do
= link_to @account.avatar.url(:original) do
.dashboard__counters__num= number_with_delimiter @account.statuses_count
= image_tag @account.avatar.url(:original), alt: '', width: 40, height: 40, class: 'avatar'
.dashboard__counters__label= t 'admin.accounts.statuses'
- if @account.local? && @account.avatar?
= table_link_to 'trash', t('admin.accounts.remove_avatar'), remove_avatar_admin_account_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:remove_avatar, @account)
= link_to admin_account_statuses_path(, { media: true }) do
.dashboard__counters__num= number_to_human_size @account.media_attachments.sum('file_file_size')
%th= t('admin.accounts.header')
.dashboard__counters__label= t 'admin.accounts.media_attachments'
= link_to @account.header.url(:original) do
= link_to admin_account_followers_path( do
= image_tag @account.header.url(:original), alt: '', width: 128, height: 40, class: 'header'
.dashboard__counters__num= number_with_delimiter @account.local_followers_count
- if @account.local? && @account.header?
.dashboard__counters__label= t 'admin.accounts.followers'
= table_link_to 'trash', t('admin.accounts.remove_header'), remove_header_admin_account_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:remove_header, @account)
= link_to admin_reports_path(account_id: do
- if @account.local?
.dashboard__counters__num= number_with_delimiter @account.reports.count
.dashboard__counters__label= t '.created_reports'
%th= t('admin.accounts.role')
= link_to admin_reports_path(target_account_id: do
- if @account.user.nil?
.dashboard__counters__num= number_with_delimiter @account.targeted_reports.count
= t("admin.accounts.moderation.suspended")
.dashboard__counters__label= t '.targeted_reports'
- else
= t("admin.accounts.roles.#{@account.user&.role}")
= table_link_to 'angle-double-up', t('admin.accounts.promote'), promote_admin_account_role_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:promote, @account.user)
= table_link_to 'angle-double-down', t('admin.accounts.demote'), demote_admin_account_role_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:demote, @account.user)
- if @account.local? && @account.user.nil?
%span.neutral= t('admin.accounts.deleted')
%th= t('')
- elsif @account.suspended?
| t('admin.accounts.suspended')
= @account.user_email
- elsif @account.silenced?
= table_link_to 'edit', t('admin.accounts.change_email.label'), admin_account_change_email_path( if can?(:change_email, @account.user)
| t('admin.accounts.silenced')
- if @account.user_unconfirmed_email.present?
- elsif @account.local? && @account.user&.disabled?
%th= t('admin.accounts.unconfirmed_email')
| t('admin.accounts.disabled')
- elsif @account.local? && !@account.user&.confirmed?
= @account.user_unconfirmed_email
%span.neutral= t('admin.accounts.confirming')
- else
%th= t('admin.accounts.email_status')
%span.neutral= t('admin.accounts.no_limits_imposed')
.dashboard__counters__label= t 'admin.accounts.login_status'
- if @account.user&.confirmed?
= t('admin.accounts.confirmed')
- else
= t('admin.accounts.confirming')
= table_link_to 'refresh', t('admin.accounts.resend_confirmation.send'), resend_admin_account_confirmation_path(, method: :post if can?(:confirm, @account.user)
%th= t('admin.accounts.login_status')
- if @account.user&.disabled?
= t('admin.accounts.disabled')
= table_link_to 'unlock', t('admin.accounts.enable'), enable_admin_account_path(, method: :post if can?(:enable, @account.user)
- else
= t('admin.accounts.enabled')
= table_link_to 'lock', t('admin.accounts.disable'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'disable') if can?(:disable, @account.user)
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_ip')
%td= @account.user_current_sign_in_ip
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_activity')
- if @account.user_current_sign_in_at
%time.formatted{ datetime: @account.user_current_sign_in_at.iso8601, title: l(@account.user_current_sign_in_at) }
= l @account.user_current_sign_in_at
- else
- else
%th= t('admin.accounts.profile_url')
%td= link_to @account.url, @account.url
%th= t('admin.accounts.protocol')
%td= @account.protocol.humanize
%th= t('admin.accounts.follows')
%td= number_to_human @account.following_count
%th= t('admin.accounts.followers')
= number_to_human @account.followers_count
= link_to t('admin.accounts.followers_local', local: number_to_human(@account.local_followers_count)), admin_account_followers_path(
%th= t('admin.accounts.statuses')
%td= link_to number_to_human(@account.statuses_count), admin_account_statuses_path(
%th= t('admin.accounts.media_attachments')
= link_to number_to_human(@account.media_attachments.count), admin_account_statuses_path(, { media: true })
= surround '(', ')' do
= number_to_human_size @account.media_attachments.sum('file_file_size')
%th= t('.created_reports')
%td= link_to pluralize(@account.reports.count, t('.report')), admin_reports_path(account_id:
%th= t('.targeted_reports')
%td= link_to pluralize(@account.targeted_reports.count, t('.report')), admin_reports_path(target_account_id:
%div{ style: 'overflow: hidden' }
%div{ style: 'float: right' }
- if @account.local?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.reset_password'), admin_account_reset_path(, method: :create, class: 'button' if can?(:reset_password, @account.user)
- if @account.user&.otp_required_for_login?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.disable_two_factor_authentication'), admin_user_two_factor_authentication_path(, method: :delete, class: 'button' if can?(:disable_2fa, @account.user)
- unless
= link_to t('admin.accounts.memorialize'), memorialize_admin_account_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') }, class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:memorialize, @account)
- else
= link_to t('admin.accounts.redownload'), redownload_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:redownload, @account)
%div{ style: 'float: left' }
- if @account.silenced?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.undo_silenced'), unsilence_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:unsilence, @account)
- else
= link_to t('admin.accounts.silence'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'silence'), class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:silence, @account)
- if @account.local?
- unless @account.user_confirmed?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.confirm'), admin_account_confirmation_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:confirm, @account.user)
- if @account.suspended?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.undo_suspension'), unsuspend_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:unsuspend, @account)
- else
= link_to t('admin.accounts.perform_full_suspension'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'suspend'), class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:suspend, @account)
- if !@account.local? && @account.hub_url.present?
%h3 OStatus
- unless @account.local? && @account.user.nil?
- if @account.local?
%th= t('admin.accounts.feed_url')
- if @account.avatar?
%td= link_to @account.remote_url, @account.remote_url
%th= t('admin.accounts.avatar')
%th= t('admin.accounts.push_subscription_expires')
%td= table_link_to 'trash', t('admin.accounts.remove_avatar'), remove_avatar_admin_account_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:remove_avatar, @account)
- if @account.subscribed?
%time.formatted{ datetime: @account.subscription_expires_at.iso8601, title: l(@account.subscription_expires_at) }
- if @account.header?
= l @account.subscription_expires_at
- else
%th= t('admin.accounts.header')
= t('admin.accounts.not_subscribed')
%td= table_link_to 'trash', t('admin.accounts.remove_header'), remove_header_admin_account_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:remove_header, @account)
%th= t('admin.accounts.salmon_url')
%td= link_to @account.salmon_url, @account.salmon_url
%th= t('admin.accounts.role')
%td= t("admin.accounts.roles.#{@account.user&.role}")
= table_link_to 'angle-double-up', t('admin.accounts.promote'), promote_admin_account_role_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:promote, @account.user)
= table_link_to 'angle-double-down', t('admin.accounts.demote'), demote_admin_account_role_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') } if can?(:demote, @account.user)
%th= t('')
%td= @account.user_email
%td= table_link_to 'edit', t('admin.accounts.change_email.label'), admin_account_change_email_path( if can?(:change_email, @account.user)
- if @account.user_unconfirmed_email.present?
%th= t('admin.accounts.unconfirmed_email')
%td= @account.user_unconfirmed_email
%th= t('admin.accounts.email_status')
- if @account.user&.confirmed?
= t('admin.accounts.confirmed')
- else
= t('admin.accounts.confirming')
%td= table_link_to 'refresh', t('admin.accounts.resend_confirmation.send'), resend_admin_account_confirmation_path(, method: :post if can?(:confirm, @account.user)
%th= t('admin.accounts.login_status')
- if @account.user&.disabled?
= t('admin.accounts.disabled')
- else
= t('admin.accounts.enabled')
- if @account.user&.disabled?
= table_link_to 'unlock', t('admin.accounts.enable'), enable_admin_account_path(, method: :post if can?(:enable, @account.user)
- else
= table_link_to 'lock', t('admin.accounts.disable'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'disable') if can?(:disable, @account.user)
%th= t('simple_form.labels.defaults.locale')
%td= @account.user_locale
%th= t('admin.accounts.joined')
%time.formatted{ datetime: @account.created_at.iso8601, title: l(@account.created_at) }= l @account.created_at
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_ip')
%td= @account.user_current_sign_in_ip
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_activity')
- if @account.user_current_sign_in_at
%time.formatted{ datetime: @account.user_current_sign_in_at.iso8601, title: l(@account.user_current_sign_in_at) }= l @account.user_current_sign_in_at
- if @account.user&.invited?
%th= t('admin.accounts.invited_by')
%td= admin_account_link_to @account.user.invite.user.account
- else
%th= t('admin.accounts.inbox_url')
= @account.inbox_url
= fa_icon DeliveryFailureTracker.unavailable?(@account.inbox_url) ? 'times' : 'check'
%th= t('admin.accounts.shared_inbox_url')
= @account.shared_inbox_url
= fa_icon DeliveryFailureTracker.unavailable?(@account.shared_inbox_url) ? 'times' : 'check'
%div{ style: 'overflow: hidden' }
%div{ style: 'overflow: hidden' }
%div{ style: 'float: right' }
%div{ style: 'float: right' }
= link_to @account.subscribed? ? t('admin.accounts.resubscribe') : t('admin.accounts.subscribe'), subscribe_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:subscribe, @account)
- if @account.local?
- if @account.subscribed?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.reset_password'), admin_account_reset_path(, method: :create, class: 'button' if can?(:reset_password, @account.user)
= link_to t('admin.accounts.unsubscribe'), unsubscribe_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button negative' if can?(:unsubscribe, @account)
- if @account.user&.otp_required_for_login?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.disable_two_factor_authentication'), admin_user_two_factor_authentication_path(, method: :delete, class: 'button' if can?(:disable_2fa, @account.user)
- unless
= link_to t('admin.accounts.memorialize'), memorialize_admin_account_path(, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') }, class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:memorialize, @account)
- else
= link_to t('admin.accounts.redownload'), redownload_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:redownload, @account)
%div{ style: 'float: left' }
- if @account.local?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.warn'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'none'), class: 'button' if can?(:warn, @account)
- if @account.silenced?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.undo_silenced'), unsilence_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:unsilence, @account)
- else
= link_to t('admin.accounts.silence'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'silence'), class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:silence, @account)
- if @account.local?
- unless @account.user_confirmed?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.confirm'), admin_account_confirmation_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:confirm, @account.user)
- if @account.suspended?
= link_to t('admin.accounts.undo_suspension'), unsuspend_admin_account_path(, method: :post, class: 'button' if can?(:unsuspend, @account)
- else
= link_to t('admin.accounts.perform_full_suspension'), new_admin_account_action_path(, type: 'suspend'), class: 'button button--destructive' if can?(:suspend, @account)
- if !@account.local? && @account.inbox_url.present?
%h3 ActivityPub
- unless @warnings.empty?
= render @warnings
%th= t('admin.accounts.inbox_url')
%td= link_to @account.inbox_url, @account.inbox_url
%th= t('admin.accounts.outbox_url')
%td= link_to @account.outbox_url, @account.outbox_url
%th= t('admin.accounts.shared_inbox_url')
%td= link_to @account.shared_inbox_url, @account.shared_inbox_url
%th= t('admin.accounts.followers_url')
%td= link_to @account.followers_url, @account.followers_url
= render @moderation_notes
= render @warnings
= simple_form_for @account_moderation_note, url: admin_account_moderation_notes_path do |f|
= render 'shared/error_messages', object: @account_moderation_note
= f.input :content, placeholder: t('admin.reports.notes.placeholder'), rows: 6
= f.hidden_field :target_account_id
= render @moderation_notes
= f.button :button, t('admin.account_moderation_notes.create'), type: :submit
= simple_form_for @account_moderation_note, url: admin_account_moderation_notes_path do |f|
= render 'shared/error_messages', object: @account_moderation_note
= f.input :content, placeholder: t('admin.reports.notes.placeholder'), rows: 6
= f.hidden_field :target_account_id
= f.button :button, t('admin.account_moderation_notes.create'), type: :submit
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
- content_for :header_tags do
= javascript_pack_tag 'admin', integrity: true, async: true, crossorigin: 'anonymous'
- content_for :page_title do
- content_for :page_title do
= t('admin.followers.title', acct: @account.acct)
= t('admin.followers.title', acct: @account.acct)
@ -11,9 +8,11 @@
%li= link_to t('admin.accounts.location.local'), admin_account_followers_path(, class: 'selected'
%li= link_to t('admin.accounts.location.local'), admin_account_followers_path(, class: 'selected'
.back-link{ style: 'flex: 1 1 auto; text-align: right' }
.back-link{ style: 'flex: 1 1 auto; text-align: right' }
= link_to admin_account_path( do
= link_to admin_account_path( do
= fa_icon 'chevron-left fw'
= t('admin.followers.back_to_account')
= t('admin.followers.back_to_account')
@ -24,6 +23,6 @@
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_activity')
%th= t('admin.accounts.most_recent_activity')
= render partial: 'admin/accounts/account', collection:{|a| a.account}
= render partial: 'admin/accounts/account', collection:
= paginate @followers
= paginate @followers
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
%li= link_to t('admin.statuses.with_media'), admin_account_statuses_path(, current_params.merge(media: true)), class: params[:media] && 'selected'
%li= link_to t('admin.statuses.with_media'), admin_account_statuses_path(, current_params.merge(media: true)), class: params[:media] && 'selected'
.back-link{ style: 'flex: 1 1 auto; text-align: right' }
.back-link{ style: 'flex: 1 1 auto; text-align: right' }
= link_to admin_account_path( do
= link_to admin_account_path( do
= fa_icon 'chevron-left fw'
= t('admin.statuses.back_to_account')
= t('admin.statuses.back_to_account')
@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ ar:
shared_inbox_url: رابط الصندوق المُشترَك للبريد الوارد
shared_inbox_url: رابط الصندوق المُشترَك للبريد الوارد
created_reports: البلاغات التي أنشأها هذا الحساب
created_reports: البلاغات التي أنشأها هذا الحساب
report: التقرير
targeted_reports: التقريرات التي أُنشِأت ضد هذا الحساب
targeted_reports: التقريرات التي أُنشِأت ضد هذا الحساب
silence: سكتهم
silence: سكتهم
silenced: تم كتمه
silenced: تم كتمه
@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ ca:
shared_inbox_url: URL de la safata d'entrada compartida
shared_inbox_url: URL de la safata d'entrada compartida
created_reports: Informes creats per aquest compte
created_reports: Informes creats per aquest compte
report: informe
targeted_reports: Informes realitzats sobre aquest compte
targeted_reports: Informes realitzats sobre aquest compte
silence: Silenci
silence: Silenci
silenced: Silenciat
silenced: Silenciat
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ co:
shared_inbox_url: URL di l’inbox spartuta
shared_inbox_url: URL di l’inbox spartuta
created_reports: Signalamenti creati da stu contu
created_reports: Signalamenti creati da stu contu
report: Signalamentu
targeted_reports: Signalamenti creati contr’à stu contu
targeted_reports: Signalamenti creati contr’à stu contu
silence: Silenzà
silence: Silenzà
silenced: Silenzatu
silenced: Silenzatu
@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ cs:
shared_inbox_url: URL sdílené schránky
shared_inbox_url: URL sdílené schránky
created_reports: Nahlášení vytvořené z tohoto účtu
created_reports: Nahlášení vytvořené z tohoto účtu
report: nahlášení
targeted_reports: Nahlášení vytvořena o tomto účtu
targeted_reports: Nahlášení vytvořena o tomto účtu
silence: Utišit
silence: Utišit
silenced: Utišen/a
silenced: Utišen/a
@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ cy:
shared_inbox_url: URL Mewnflwch wedi ei rannu
shared_inbox_url: URL Mewnflwch wedi ei rannu
created_reports: Adroddiadau a grewyd gan y cyfri hwn
created_reports: Adroddiadau a grewyd gan y cyfri hwn
report: adrodd
targeted_reports: Adroddiadau am y cyfri hwn
targeted_reports: Adroddiadau am y cyfri hwn
silence: Tawelu
silence: Tawelu
silenced: Tawelwyd
silenced: Tawelwyd
@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ da:
shared_inbox_url: Link til delt indbakke
shared_inbox_url: Link til delt indbakke
created_reports: Anmeldelser oprettet af denne konto
created_reports: Anmeldelser oprettet af denne konto
report: anmeld
targeted_reports: Anmeldelser fra denne konto
targeted_reports: Anmeldelser fra denne konto
silence: Dæmp
silence: Dæmp
silenced: Dæmpet
silenced: Dæmpet
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ de:
shared_inbox_url: Geteilter Posteingang URL
shared_inbox_url: Geteilter Posteingang URL
created_reports: Meldungen durch dieses Konto
created_reports: Meldungen durch dieses Konto
report: Meldung
targeted_reports: Meldungen über dieses Konto
targeted_reports: Meldungen über dieses Konto
silence: Stummschalten
silence: Stummschalten
silenced: Stummgeschaltet
silenced: Stummgeschaltet
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ el:
shared_inbox_url: URL κοινόχρηστων εισερχομένων
shared_inbox_url: URL κοινόχρηστων εισερχομένων
created_reports: Αναφορές από αυτόν το λογαριασμό
created_reports: Αναφορές από αυτόν το λογαριασμό
report: καταγγελία
targeted_reports: Αναφορές για αυτόν το λογαριασμό
targeted_reports: Αναφορές για αυτόν το λογαριασμό
silence: Αποσιώπησε
silence: Αποσιώπησε
silenced: Αποσιωπημένοι
silenced: Αποσιωπημένοι
@ -84,14 +84,15 @@ en:
by_domain: Domain
by_domain: Domain
changed_msg: Account email successfully changed!
changed_msg: Account email successfully changed!
current_email: Current Email
current_email: Current email
label: Change Email
label: Change email
new_email: New Email
new_email: New email
submit: Change Email
submit: Change email
title: Change Email for %{username}
title: Change email for %{username}
confirm: Confirm
confirm: Confirm
confirmed: Confirmed
confirmed: Confirmed
confirming: Confirming
confirming: Confirming
deleted: Deleted
demote: Demote
demote: Demote
disable: Disable
disable: Disable
disable_two_factor_authentication: Disable 2FA
disable_two_factor_authentication: Disable 2FA
@ -99,18 +100,19 @@ en:
display_name: Display name
display_name: Display name
domain: Domain
domain: Domain
edit: Edit
edit: Edit
email: E-mail
email: Email
email_status: E-mail Status
email_status: Email status
enable: Enable
enable: Enable
enabled: Enabled
enabled: Enabled
feed_url: Feed URL
feed_url: Feed URL
followers: Followers
followers: Followers
followers_local: "(%{local} local)"
followers_url: Followers URL
followers_url: Followers URL
follows: Follows
follows: Follows
header: Header
header: Header
inbox_url: Inbox URL
inbox_url: Inbox URL
invited_by: Invited by
ip: IP
ip: IP
joined: Joined
all: All
all: All
local: Local
local: Local
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ en:
protocol: Protocol
protocol: Protocol
public: Public
public: Public
push_subscription_expires: PuSH subscription expires
push_subscription_expires: PuSH subscription expires
redownload: Refresh avatar
redownload: Refresh profile
remove_avatar: Remove avatar
remove_avatar: Remove avatar
remove_header: Remove header
remove_header: Remove header
@ -155,22 +157,22 @@ en:
user: User
user: User
salmon_url: Salmon URL
salmon_url: Salmon URL
search: Search
search: Search
shared_inbox_url: Shared Inbox URL
shared_inbox_url: Shared inbox URL
created_reports: Reports created by this account
created_reports: Made reports
report: report
targeted_reports: Reported by others
targeted_reports: Reports made about this account
silence: Silence
silence: Silence
silenced: Silenced
silenced: Silenced
statuses: Statuses
statuses: Statuses
subscribe: Subscribe
subscribe: Subscribe
suspended: Suspended
suspended: Suspended
title: Accounts
title: Accounts
unconfirmed_email: Unconfirmed E-mail
unconfirmed_email: Unconfirmed email
undo_silenced: Undo silence
undo_silenced: Undo silence
undo_suspension: Undo suspension
undo_suspension: Undo suspension
unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
username: Username
username: Username
warn: Warn
web: Web
web: Web
@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ eo:
shared_inbox_url: URL de kunhavigita leterkesto
shared_inbox_url: URL de kunhavigita leterkesto
created_reports: Signaloj kreitaj de ĉi tiu konto
created_reports: Signaloj kreitaj de ĉi tiu konto
report: signalo
targeted_reports: Signaloj kreitaj de ĉi tiu konto
targeted_reports: Signaloj kreitaj de ĉi tiu konto
silence: Kaŝi
silence: Kaŝi
silenced: Silentigita
silenced: Silentigita
@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ es:
shared_inbox_url: URL de bandeja compartida
shared_inbox_url: URL de bandeja compartida
created_reports: Reportes hechos por esta cuenta
created_reports: Reportes hechos por esta cuenta
report: reportar
targeted_reports: Reportes hechos sobre esta cuenta
targeted_reports: Reportes hechos sobre esta cuenta
silence: Silenciar
silence: Silenciar
silenced: Silenciado
silenced: Silenciado
@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ eu:
shared_inbox_url: Partekatutako sarrera ontziaren URL-a
shared_inbox_url: Partekatutako sarrera ontziaren URL-a
created_reports: Kontu honek sortutako txostenak
created_reports: Kontu honek sortutako txostenak
report: salatu
targeted_reports: Kontu honek egindako salaketak
targeted_reports: Kontu honek egindako salaketak
silence: Isilarazi
silence: Isilarazi
silenced: Isilarazita
silenced: Isilarazita
@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ fa:
shared_inbox_url: نشانی صندوق ورودی مشترک
shared_inbox_url: نشانی صندوق ورودی مشترک
created_reports: گزارشها از طرف این حساب
created_reports: گزارشها از طرف این حساب
report: گزارش
targeted_reports: گزارشها دربارهٔ این حساب
targeted_reports: گزارشها دربارهٔ این حساب
silence: بیصدا
silence: بیصدا
silenced: بیصداشده
silenced: بیصداشده
@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ fi:
shared_inbox_url: Jaetun saapuvan postilaatikon osoite
shared_inbox_url: Jaetun saapuvan postilaatikon osoite
created_reports: Tämän tilin luomat raportit
created_reports: Tämän tilin luomat raportit
report: raportti
targeted_reports: Tästä tilistä tehdyt raportit
targeted_reports: Tästä tilistä tehdyt raportit
silence: Hiljennä
silence: Hiljennä
statuses: Tilat
statuses: Tilat
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ fr:
shared_inbox_url: URL de la boite de réception partagée
shared_inbox_url: URL de la boite de réception partagée
created_reports: Signalements créés par ce compte
created_reports: Signalements créés par ce compte
report: signalement
targeted_reports: Signalements créés visant ce compte
targeted_reports: Signalements créés visant ce compte
silence: Masquer
silence: Masquer
silenced: Silencié
silenced: Silencié
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ gl:
shared_inbox_url: URL da caixa de entrada compartida
shared_inbox_url: URL da caixa de entrada compartida
created_reports: Informes creados por esta conta
created_reports: Informes creados por esta conta
report: informar
targeted_reports: Informes feitos sobre esta conta
targeted_reports: Informes feitos sobre esta conta
silence: Acalar
silence: Acalar
silenced: Acalada
silenced: Acalada
@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ he:
shared_inbox_url: תיבה משותפת לדואר נכנס
shared_inbox_url: תיבה משותפת לדואר נכנס
created_reports: דיווחים מאת חשבון זה
created_reports: דיווחים מאת חשבון זה
report: דו"ח
targeted_reports: דיווחים נגד חשבון זה
targeted_reports: דיווחים נגד חשבון זה
silence: השתקה
silence: השתקה
statuses: הודעות
statuses: הודעות
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ hu:
shared_inbox_url: Bejövő üzenetek URL keresése
shared_inbox_url: Bejövő üzenetek URL keresése
created_reports: Ezen fiók által létrehozott jelentések
created_reports: Ezen fiók által létrehozott jelentések
report: jelentés
targeted_reports: Jelentések ezzel a fiókkal kapcsolatban
targeted_reports: Jelentések ezzel a fiókkal kapcsolatban
silence: Némítás
silence: Némítás
statuses: Tülkök
statuses: Tülkök
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ id:
salmon_url: URL Salmon
salmon_url: URL Salmon
created_reports: Laporan yang dibuat oleh akun ini
created_reports: Laporan yang dibuat oleh akun ini
report: laporan
targeted_reports: Laporan yang dibuat tentang akun ini
targeted_reports: Laporan yang dibuat tentang akun ini
silence: Diam
silence: Diam
statuses: Status
statuses: Status
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ io:
salmon_url: Salmon URL
salmon_url: Salmon URL
created_reports: Reports created by this account
created_reports: Reports created by this account
report: report
targeted_reports: Reports made about this account
targeted_reports: Reports made about this account
silence: Silence
silence: Silence
statuses: Statuses
statuses: Statuses
@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ it:
shared_inbox_url: URL Inbox Condiviso
shared_inbox_url: URL Inbox Condiviso
created_reports: Rapporti creati da questo account
created_reports: Rapporti creati da questo account
report: segnala
targeted_reports: Rapporti che riguardano questo account
targeted_reports: Rapporti che riguardano questo account
silence: Silenzia
silence: Silenzia
silenced: Silenziato
silenced: Silenziato
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ ja:
shared_inbox_url: Shared Inbox URL
shared_inbox_url: Shared Inbox URL
created_reports: このアカウントで作られたレポート
created_reports: このアカウントで作られたレポート
report: レポート
targeted_reports: このアカウントについてのレポート
targeted_reports: このアカウントについてのレポート
silence: サイレンス
silence: サイレンス
silenced: サイレンス済み
silenced: サイレンス済み
@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ ka:
shared_inbox_url: გაზიარებული ინბოქსის ურლ
shared_inbox_url: გაზიარებული ინბოქსის ურლ
created_reports: ამ ანგარიშის მიერ შექმნილი რეპორტები
created_reports: ამ ანგარიშის მიერ შექმნილი რეპორტები
report: რეპორტი
targeted_reports: ამ ანგარიშზე მიღებული რეპორტები
targeted_reports: ამ ანგარიშზე მიღებული რეპორტები
silence: სიჩუმე
silence: სიჩუმე
statuses: სტატუსები
statuses: სტატუსები
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ ko:
shared_inbox_url: 공유된 inbox URL
shared_inbox_url: 공유된 inbox URL
created_reports: 이 계정에서 제출된 신고
created_reports: 이 계정에서 제출된 신고
report: 신고
targeted_reports: 이 계정에 대한 신고
targeted_reports: 이 계정에 대한 신고
silence: 침묵
silence: 침묵
silenced: 침묵 됨
silenced: 침묵 됨
@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ ms:
shared_inbox_url: URL Peti Masuk Berkongsi
shared_inbox_url: URL Peti Masuk Berkongsi
created_reports: Laporan yang dicipta oleh akaun ini
created_reports: Laporan yang dicipta oleh akaun ini
report: laporan
targeted_reports: Laporan yang dicipta berkaitan akaun ini
targeted_reports: Laporan yang dicipta berkaitan akaun ini
silence: Senyap
silence: Senyap
silenced: Disenyapkan
silenced: Disenyapkan
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ nl:
shared_inbox_url: Gedeelde inbox-URL
shared_inbox_url: Gedeelde inbox-URL
created_reports: Door dit account aangemaakte rapportages
created_reports: Door dit account aangemaakte rapportages
report: gerapporteerd
targeted_reports: Over dit account aangemaakte rapportages
targeted_reports: Over dit account aangemaakte rapportages
silence: Negeren
silence: Negeren
silenced: Genegeerd
silenced: Genegeerd
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@
shared_inbox_url: Delt Innboks URL
shared_inbox_url: Delt Innboks URL
created_reports: Rapporter laget av denne kontoen
created_reports: Rapporter laget av denne kontoen
report: rapport
targeted_reports: Rapporter laget om denne kontoen
targeted_reports: Rapporter laget om denne kontoen
silence: Målbind
silence: Målbind
statuses: Statuser
statuses: Statuser
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ oc:
shared_inbox_url: URL de recepcion partejada
shared_inbox_url: URL de recepcion partejada
created_reports: Rapòrts creat per aqueste compte
created_reports: Rapòrts creat per aqueste compte
report: rapòrt
targeted_reports: Rapòrts faches tocant aqueste compte
targeted_reports: Rapòrts faches tocant aqueste compte
silence: Silenci
silence: Silenci
silenced: Rescondut
silenced: Rescondut
@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ pl:
shared_inbox_url: Adres udostępnianej skrzynki
shared_inbox_url: Adres udostępnianej skrzynki
created_reports: Zgłoszenia tego użytkownika
created_reports: Zgłoszenia tego użytkownika
report: zgłoszeń
targeted_reports: Zgłoszenia dotyczące tego użytkownika
targeted_reports: Zgłoszenia dotyczące tego użytkownika
silence: Wycisz
silence: Wycisz
silenced: Wyciszono
silenced: Wyciszono
@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ pt-BR:
shared_inbox_url: URL da caixa de entrada compartilhada
shared_inbox_url: URL da caixa de entrada compartilhada
created_reports: Denúncias criadas por esta conta
created_reports: Denúncias criadas por esta conta
report: relatórios
targeted_reports: Denúncias feitas sobre esta conta
targeted_reports: Denúncias feitas sobre esta conta
silence: Silenciar
silence: Silenciar
silenced: Silenciado
silenced: Silenciado
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ pt:
shared_inbox_url: URL da caixa de entrada compartilhada
shared_inbox_url: URL da caixa de entrada compartilhada
created_reports: Relatórios gerados por esta conta
created_reports: Relatórios gerados por esta conta
report: relatórios
targeted_reports: Relatórios feitos sobre esta conta
targeted_reports: Relatórios feitos sobre esta conta
silence: Silêncio
silence: Silêncio
statuses: Status
statuses: Status
@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ ru:
shared_inbox_url: URL общих входящих
shared_inbox_url: URL общих входящих
created_reports: Жалобы, отправленные этим аккаунтом
created_reports: Жалобы, отправленные этим аккаунтом
report: жалоба
targeted_reports: Жалобы на этот аккаунт
targeted_reports: Жалобы на этот аккаунт
silence: Глушение
silence: Глушение
statuses: Статусы
statuses: Статусы
@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ sk:
shared_inbox_url: URL zdieľanej schránky
shared_inbox_url: URL zdieľanej schránky
created_reports: Reportované týmto používateľom
created_reports: Reportované týmto používateľom
report: report
targeted_reports: Nahlásenia pre tento účet
targeted_reports: Nahlásenia pre tento účet
silence: Stíšiť
silence: Stíšiť
silenced: Utíšení
silenced: Utíšení
@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ sr-Latn:
shared_inbox_url: Adresa deljenog sandučeta
shared_inbox_url: Adresa deljenog sandučeta
created_reports: Prijave koje je napravio ovaj nalog
created_reports: Prijave koje je napravio ovaj nalog
report: prijava
targeted_reports: Prijave napravljene o ovom nalogu
targeted_reports: Prijave napravljene o ovom nalogu
silence: Ućutkaj
silence: Ućutkaj
statuses: Statusi
statuses: Statusi
@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ sr:
shared_inbox_url: Адреса дељеног сандучета
shared_inbox_url: Адреса дељеног сандучета
created_reports: Пријаве које је направио овај налог
created_reports: Пријаве које је направио овај налог
report: пријава
targeted_reports: Пријаве направљене о овом налогу
targeted_reports: Пријаве направљене о овом налогу
silence: Ућуткај
silence: Ућуткај
silenced: Ућуткан
silenced: Ућуткан
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ sv:
shared_inbox_url: Delad inkorg URL
shared_inbox_url: Delad inkorg URL
created_reports: Anmälningar som skapats av det här kontot
created_reports: Anmälningar som skapats av det här kontot
report: anmäla
targeted_reports: Anmälningar gjorda om detta konto
targeted_reports: Anmälningar gjorda om detta konto
silence: Tystnad
silence: Tystnad
statuses: Status
statuses: Status
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ th:
salmon_url: Salmon URL
salmon_url: Salmon URL
created_reports: รายงานที่ถูกสร้างโดย แอคเคาท์นี้
created_reports: รายงานที่ถูกสร้างโดย แอคเคาท์นี้
report: รายงาน
targeted_reports: รายงานเกี่ยวกับแอคเคาท์นี้
targeted_reports: รายงานเกี่ยวกับแอคเคาท์นี้
silence: ปิดเสียง
silence: ปิดเสียง
statuses: สถานะ
statuses: สถานะ
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ tr:
salmon_url: Salmon Linki
salmon_url: Salmon Linki
created_reports: Bu hesap tarafından gelen şikayetler
created_reports: Bu hesap tarafından gelen şikayetler
report: şikayet
targeted_reports: Bu hesaba gelen şikayetler
targeted_reports: Bu hesaba gelen şikayetler
silence: Sustur
silence: Sustur
statuses: Durumlar
statuses: Durumlar
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ uk:
shared_inbox_url: URL спільного вхідного кошика
shared_inbox_url: URL спільного вхідного кошика
created_reports: Скарги створені цим аккаунтом
created_reports: Скарги створені цим аккаунтом
report: скарга
targeted_reports: Скарги щодо цього аккаунту
targeted_reports: Скарги щодо цього аккаунту
silence: Глушення
silence: Глушення
statuses: Статуси
statuses: Статуси
@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ zh-CN:
shared_inbox_url: 公用收件箱(Shared Inbox)URL
shared_inbox_url: 公用收件箱(Shared Inbox)URL
created_reports: 这个帐户提交的举报
created_reports: 这个帐户提交的举报
report: 个举报
targeted_reports: 针对这个帐户的举报
targeted_reports: 针对这个帐户的举报
silence: 隐藏
silence: 隐藏
statuses: 嘟文
statuses: 嘟文
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ zh-HK:
shared_inbox_url: 公共收件箱(Shared Inbox)URL
shared_inbox_url: 公共收件箱(Shared Inbox)URL
created_reports: 此用戶所提舉報的紀錄
created_reports: 此用戶所提舉報的紀錄
report: 舉報
targeted_reports: 此用戶被舉報的紀錄
targeted_reports: 此用戶被舉報的紀錄
silence: 靜音
silence: 靜音
statuses: 文章
statuses: 文章
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ zh-TW:
shared_inbox_url: 公共收件箱 (Shared Inbox) URL
shared_inbox_url: 公共收件箱 (Shared Inbox) URL
created_reports: 這個使用者提交的檢舉
created_reports: 這個使用者提交的檢舉
report: 檢舉
targeted_reports: 針對這個使用者的檢舉
targeted_reports: 針對這個使用者的檢舉
silence: 靜音
silence: 靜音
statuses: 嘟文
statuses: 嘟文
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